Speak up!

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«Speak up!» is our English speaking club. It’s a place, where we meet to discuss topics, play games, watch videos etc. It’s been existing for half a year alreday! We love our club and hope that it’ll be becoming better and better.

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Went Looking

see the world. think about it. then act.

Wander Woman Thea

Taste, Travel, Tell

TED Blog

The TED Blog shares news about TED Talks and TED Conferences.

Science Fiction and Other Suspect Ruminations

Reviews of Vintage Science Fiction (1945-1985)

John Lee Taggart

Writer, Filmmaker, & Procrastinator

Kate goes Global

global expat and adventurer

70 Degrees West

an environmental and humanitarian photo-documentary project from pole to pole along 70º west longitude

Charlie's World

Cake or Death.

If Books Could Blog

Live life as though someone will write a book about it, which will one day been reviewed!

dear diary,

I wish I could draw smiles on people's faces!